Tyler Meredith


Tyler Meredith


Following seven intense years, ending as the lead economic policy advisor to Canada’s governing party, Tyler still firmly believes that public policy is about making life better for people.

Helping oversee Canada’s economic response to COVID-19, Tyler witnessed firsthand how solid non-partisan policy saved jobs, businesses, and lives during one of the most critical times in Canadian history. Tyler is intent on bringing the same strong policy acumen to supporting clients across Canada and creating superior policy-based solutions.

First enticed into political life in late 2015, Tyler was recruited from a think tank to advise Canada’s Prime Minister on domestic economic policy. Tyler then spent the next seven years in government because he knew there was no other job where he could impact so many people in so many positive ways in such a short period of time. Tyler helped deliver six federal budgets, held responsiblity for tax and financial sector policy, including all financial sector transaction reviews from 2019-2022, and architected two winning federal campaign platforms.

Along with his partner role at Meredith Boesskenkool, Tyler is also Fellow at University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, and Fellow at the Maytree Foundation. When not busy shaping policy, Tyler loves to experience the world and all it has to offer with his life partner Chris, and their chocolate lab Cole.