About Us

How We’re Different

  • We create outcomes for our clients that not only accomplish their goals but also help change the political and policy landscape for the better.

Big Picture Thinkers

Big Picture founder, Lee Funke, has brought together a team of seasoned and smart professionals with extensive experience in government relations, politics, communications, public opinion research, regulatory compliance, media relations, journalism, marketing and digital media.

We look at issues from a 360-degree perspective – ensuring every strategy starts with a focus on the bigger picture. We anticipate problems, manage risk, and move quickly to develop solutions that meet your objectives and create change.

Meet Our Founder

Lee Funke

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Meet the Big Picture Team

Lindsay Kirstein

Government Relations Consultant

Lindsay boasts a remarkable decade-long public service career in the Government of Alberta and Legislative Assembly of Alberta. Her diverse roles encompassed Minister’s Assistant, Administrative Assistant, Legislative Assistant, Scheduling Assistant, and Minister’s Secretary, providing unwavering support to Private Members (MLAs), Associate Ministers, Cabinet Ministers, and two Premier’s offices. In 2015, Lindsay successfully transitioned into not-for-profit executive administration after her career in the public sector where she has supported clients achieve their goals. Lindsay graduated from Grant MacEwan University in 2005.

Dylan Termeer

Communications Consultant

Dylan has a diverse background in the human services field, having held various positions from frontline social work to senior management. He has actively volunteered with multiple non-profit organizations, utilizing his expertise in communications to support their missions. Dylan excels at dissecting complex problems and breaking them down into manageable steps. He possesses a genuine dedication to amplifying the voices of clients and providing them with informed guidance. Dylan has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and a public relations diploma.

Brookes Merritt

Senior Consultant, Government Relations and Public Affairs

Brookes has held senior advisory roles in the Legislative Assembly of Alberta and with the Government of lberta’s Executive Council and Public Affairs Bureau, serving former Premiers and Opposition caucus. His experience spans a 20-year career in journalism, strategic communications, public relations, reputation and crisis management, and government relations. Brookes holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Psychology and a post-graduate Diploma of Journalism. He is a student with Harvard Extension School pursuing a Masters in Sustainability.

Jodi Korchinski

Senior Consultant, Government Relations and Public Affairs

Jody has served in various strategic and operational roles with the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC) over 11 years including the Vice President of Liquor Services. She also served as a Director of Communications with several Government of Alberta Ministries including Children’s Services, Municipal Affairs, Infrastructure and Justice. Jody brings enthusiasm and positivity to her work in helping clients find solutions to their challenges. Jody has a Bachelor of Arts and a Graduate Certificate in Professional Communication Management.